You need to work at whatever you do: Action gives you results

Take action: action gives you results

Action gives you results: Just do it

Hi, nice of you to drop by again. I trust you are not too stressed out after the last blog post, check it out here. Well, things have been moving on here, and I have a favour to ask of you, more details can be found down in the main part of the blog. This post is about the need to get off your but,  as action gives you results.

What has been happening?

My health is back to normal now, just need to have a follow up on the chest x-ray. Will probably take a few weeks before I hear about the result.

I have been making an effort to go to the gym a couple of times a week, Tuesday and Friday morning, before going in to the day job. Have been going for over two months now, didn’t really get into it until I was clear of that pesky cough.

Well, on Tuesday I had a review of progress. My weight, is marginally less than when I started. The surprise was that I had managed to loose around 3% of the fat that I had been carrying at the start, plus, I had gained some 3.4Kg of muscle.

Not a bad result I thought, overall.


With action gives you results

So, what is all this talk about action?

I am refering to actions that you take within your personal life as well as in your business life.

An example in your personal life could be that New Years resolution you made about getting fit, loosing weight. It is a well known fact in the fitness/well being niche that a lot of people sign up for a gym membership at the beginning of the year. They go for a few months and then it tails off for some reason or the other. There is always some ‘good’ excuse for giving it up.

What about in business?

Here is a hint, remember the article on procrastination?

Do you have a tendency to put things off, better to do it tomorrow, type of attitude.

Another problem is ‘Magpie Effect’, or ‘Shiny Object Syndrome’ where you get caught up looking at the latest gizmo that is going to make you money. I talked about it here. Before you find out how to use this the next ‘best thing since sliced bread’ has come out and taken up your time.

So, what do I mean by action?

If you have been following along with my  previous blog posts you will know that I have been extolling the practical virtues of having a strategy and implementing the resultant plan. See example of the unexpected plan change. Further example can be found here

My action plan

My actions are to plan my posts and content for the rest of the year. This way I will have plan that fits with my strategy; and I will knowwhat I should be spending my time on.

With this in mind I am asking you for a favour, let me know what subjects you are burning to know more about – obviously within the field of setting up your own Internet business.

The internet marketing subject area covers so many topics, and subjects within subjects. I have suggested a few of the main topics of questions i have seen asked, make your selection and let me know what you want to know about:

  • Blogging
  • Product Creation
  • List building
  • Tools or resources

These are just some suggestions, so let me know which one would be of interest to you by filling in the comment box below.

How are you doing with your business? Are you taking action?


Signing off now until next time.

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