What is meant by list segmentation? Do you need it?

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What Is List Segmentation?

Hi Brian again, how are you doing? The topic of segmentation has come up, people have been asking is it something I should be doing? How do I go about it? What is it, what’s involved?

What is meant by segmentation, and do I need it?

First off, we will look at what list segmentation is, then how to use it.

First a definition

Segmentation means to break up something into smaller pieces or elements.

For email:

When it comes to your email list, this means categorising, or breaking it up into different groupings so that you only address particular groups for better responses and conversions. The reason is that you can tailor your email series to that one type of person on your list. It’s very effective because people like reading messages that make them feel special, and addressing their interests

List segmentation, possibilities:

Demographics This is a typical way to segment your audience, but it might not be the type of segmentation that you need. For example, it might not matter if your audience is male or female for your product or service.

By Location Sometimes, you may want to segment by location so that you can market something to them based on where they are in their own language if you’re running an international business.

Social Media Connections Segmenting list members based on how you found them via social media is a great way to break up your list. You can make some assumptions about people who sign up via social media that are different which means you can try marketing to them differently.

Behaviour This is the best way to segment your list. When you segment your list based on list member behavior you’ll have different lists based on the actions your audience takes. For example, if they downloaded your report about time management they will go on a list for people who downloaded that report. If they then buy something you’re promoting to that list, you’ll move them to yet another list.

Buying Cycle Another way to segment is based on where they are in their buying cycle. All your customers have a buying cycle. Some may have been curious for more information, some might have downloaded a freebie, or they may have purchased something.

Every Contact is Unique If you can start thinking about your list members as individuals you’ll find it easier to market to them. You’ll be able to know just the right message to send them at any stage of their buying cycle.

Responsive List Members Another way is to separate them by how responsive they are. Do they open your emails? Do they click through to learn more? You can address them differently if you know they’re reading and put different subject lines if you know they’re not reading.

In conclusion

List segmentation is an important part of list building. You may need to try different methods to segment your list based on surveys, the freebie they download, the items they choose to purchase, how they interact with you on social media and more. That’s the great thing about email marketing. You can test numerous ideas without spending a lot of money or time setting it up.

All the best until next time


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