Mental Programming, What is it – Can it help?

Time Energy Focus

September is halfway gone already!! Combination of things and the COVID-19 lockdown, and time passed so quickly. A change in the subject this time, as mental well being is very much a concern in the news. We will have a look at Mental Programming, what it is, and if can help. Continue reading…

What’s been Happening

I don’t know what it’s like in your area, but here things are not much different to last month. COVID-19 has not changed.

Wild flowers
Latest garden status

Those meadow seeds germinated and brought out a grand covering of wild flowers. They are in full bloom across the border, under the trees and bushes. Quite a delight.

On the business front I have managed to progress some projects.

  • IM Titled books published
  • Activity books in progress
  • Masterclass, due to unfortunate circumstances has been put on hold

The IM books cover the topics, blogging, list building, make money online, product creation, social media, and video marketing. As these have just launched they are on launch pricing.

For the launch period you can get these titles FREE with this coupon code FREE4ME, so don’t leave it too late!

Mental Programming

First off, we will have a look at what mental programming is. Then we shall consider how it can help you.

What is Mental Programming?

The human mind is fascinating and has been studied many times. To help with understanding the analogy of a computer is employed. The brain is the physical component and often likened to computer hardware. The mind is composed of two parts, conscious and the subconscious.

The subconscious is regarded as the unconscious; the two terms are interchangeable. Your mind, which controls your thoughts, actions, and beliefs, is often referred to as the software.

Given your mind is the software that controls everything you think and do then it is important to realise that its programming began from your birth. Everything you saw, heard or felt was taken in and accepted as truth. Your subconscious mind accepts what it is told as truth. (Have you seen a young baby sleeping, so much eye movement) The person you are now is a result of years of programming. You may have some bad habits that you have picked up such as nail biting, a phobia such as a fear of the dark or low self-esteem. These will all be a result of something you have experienced during your life and are ingrained into the way you live now.

Can you change your behavior, thoughts or belief?

Dr. Shad Helmstetter, author of ‘The Power of Neuroplasticity’ believes that every thought results in rewiring in the brain and that this consequently creates a change in life. He believes that,
“What we believe determines our attitudes, affects our feelings, directs our behavior and determines our success or failure.”

It is therefore evident that we can change our thoughts and behavior by rewiring our brain. This rewiring or changing connections is Neuroplasticity. Studies have shown that connections in the brain can be changed and these result in a change of habits, thoughts and feelings.

The key to successful mental programming is… you!

If you want to create a change in your life then you need to believe in yourself, your ability to change and to succeed in making the change. You must be fully committed to making the changes work.
The following is the pattern of mental programming identified by Helmstetter:

  • The mental programming creates belief.
  • These beliefs then create our attitudes.
  • Our attitudes in turn create feelings.
  • Our feelings determine our actions.
  • Finally, our actions create results.

As you can see you are the key component in the process of mental programming. If you are not committed and do not fully believe in it then it is highly unlikely that it will be successful.
“Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think.” Gautama Buddha

To create a new mental program you need to identify the change you need to make and choose the method to reprogram your brain. This could be coaching, self-hypnosis, the use of visualization or affirmations

How Can Mental Programming Help?

Your mind consists of two components; the conscious and subconscious (or unconscious) mind. The conscious mind controls everything that you are aware of and likened to the tip of an iceberg as it is actually only a fraction of the mind. The subconscious, the largest component of the mind, like the lower part of an iceberg, hidden from view. Your subconscious stores all your memories, sights, sounds, smells and beliefs. Everything you experience is stored away and influences you in the way you think and respond.

Learned behaviour

If you were told as a young child that you are, ‘Thick’, then if it was repeated your subconscious will have accepted that as true and you come to believe that you are thick. Your subconscious accepts things as truths unless it is told otherwise. Habits once formed become ingrained as they are programmed into your subconscious and will happen automatically once they are triggered. It is the same for phobias or fears.

How does Mental Programming help?

Mental programming allows the connections between triggers and events to be changed in your subconscious. You can change the perception of traumatic events from the past to see them with adult attitudes and wisdom and thereby allow the impact of the memory to be lessened.

Bad habits such as nail biting and smoking can be removed through a variety of mental programming methods. Self-hypnosis through the use of audio recordings is one approach. Alternatively, coaching, NLP or hypnotherapy can provide greater support and resources.

Phobias and fears have to be confronted and removed. You can either go it alone using self-help methods or choose the support of a hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner, Cognitive Behavioral Therapist or a coach. Using the skills of a professional can greatly enhance the effectiveness of the treatment as they will be able to identify the methods best suited to your personality and goals.

Weight loss is another area that benefits from mental programming. Thus, being committed to changing your eating habits and losing weight is as important as following a diet. By imagining yourself living as a slimmer fitter person you are increasing the likelihood of achieving your goal.

Other areas that changing your mind can help are increasing self-confidence, removing limiting beliefs and achieving goals.

In Conclusion

Mental programming is a very powerful way to change your mind and your life for the better. As Norman Vincent Peale said,“Change your thoughts, and you can change your world.”

Finally, Some FREE Training for YOU

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Quite a long post this time, well it has been a while since our last contact…..

And don’t forget to check out the new books.

Click here to check them out.

Until next time….

Keep safe, as always glad to hear from you, enter comments below.


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