A New Year 2024
Hello Brian here again, ready for a new year? 2024 already, very nearly at the time of writing. After such a long period away it can (and is) hard to get back into the swing of things. There always seems to be some distraction. Perhaps just the time of year, maybe? What’s been happening? Well,…
Back in the Game: Embracing the Return to Work After Time Away?
Hi Brian back again. It has been a long time since I was on here, a lot of water under the bridge. After the COVID-19 experience, we are in a credit squeeze/inflation period. Like most people, our finances are a bit up in the air. What’s been happening? Earlier redundancy has had its impact on…
2021 Halfway Already, Make Good Use of Your Time?
Hi Brian here, it has been a while since our last chat. I just can’t believe we are halfway through the year already, where did all the time go to? I hope that you have been able to overcome your difficulties and make progress, despite the obstacles. OR are you your own worst enemy? Read…
Here is 2021, what now for you?
Hi Brian here again. Well we are now ONE MONTH into 2021. WOW! What now for you? Are you prepared to continue bumbling along, or have you mastered your master plan to take on your business? What’s been Happening? Here in East Anglia, like the rest of the UK, not a lot has happened. Remember…
What A Year That Was – Roll on 2021
Hi Brian here, and WOW the end of the year! A sure relief for most of us! What with all this COVID-19 lockdowns. Unfortunately, the death rate is still climbing. Roll on 2021! What’s been Happening? Here in East Anglia in the UK, we have moved quickly into Tier 3, then Tier 4. We got…